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Difference Between Non Woven vs Woven Landscape Fabric

Posted by Jordan Hamasaki on

We sell three different types of landscape fabric: Woven, Non Woven, & Paper. Woven Landscape Fabric is heavy duty and great for weed barrier applications. However, it does not allow for water permeability. Great for rock/gravel landscaping. Non Woven Landscape Fabric is heavy duty, great for weed barrier applications (make sure to use the 8 oz fabric for weed barrier) and also allows for water permeability. Great for gardens, landscapes and farms. Paper: For those that want to avoid plastic, we have an option for you. This paper is fully biodegradable and is 100% eco-friendly. Option 1 - Woven For...

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Sandbag Calculator (How Many Sandbags Needed)

Posted by Jordan Hamasaki on

Figure out the number of 14" x 26" polypropylene sandbags you need by inputting the length and height of the sandbag wall you'd like to build. We recommend checking with your local weather station to find out the estimated amount of flooding in your area. Using the sandbag calculator "Length of sandbag wall (in feet)": Input the length of the wall. "Height of sandbag wall (in feet)": Input the estimated height of the sandbags wall. We recommend 4 feet. Click "Calculate number of sandbags" to find out the number of 14" x 26" polypropylene sandbags you need Calculate the number...

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Landscape Staples and Landscape Fabric Calculator

Posted by Jordan Hamasaki on

Figure out the number of 6" square top landscape staples and rolls of 3' x 300' landscape fabric you need by inputting the length and width of the plot of land where you plan to install the landscape fabric. We ask for the type of soil because this affects the number of landscape staples required. If you're not sure, just choose "Normal soil". Calculate the number of landscape staples and rolls of 3' x 300' landscape fabric you need Length of plot of land (in feet) Width of plot of land (in feet) Type of soil Soft soil Normal soil...

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How do sandbags stop flooding and water?

Posted by Sandy Baggs on

Short answer: the sand inside the bag. It's true; sand-filled sandbags can stop flooding and water. What allows sandbags to stop flooding and water is the sand contained inside the sandbag. The sand is fine enough that it can stop individual water molecules from going through. The bag itself does not stop water. However, it is important to note that the polypropylene, the type of plastic material used to make the sandbag, is not what stops water. When sandbags are filled with a coarser material such as gravel, gravel-filled sandbags do not stop flooding or water. Filling bags with gravel is great...

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Where to buy sandbags for flooding? (For USA)

Posted by Sandy Baggs on

Local Hardware Store You can go to your local hardware store to buy polypropylene sandbags for flooding. The downside there is the sandbags are typically priced individually, with no bulk purchase discount, so it is expensive to buy sandbags in large quantities. The selection is typically only limited to one size (14" x 26") and one color (white). The store can easily run out of stock when there is high demand, such as during hurricane season on the East Coast or heavy flooding in the area. You can purchase sandbags for flooding from at wholesale prices and quantities...

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